Panofsky, Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism
Erwin Panofksy was one of the great scholars of the twentieth century. Panofsky modestly described his second annual Wimmer Lecture at Saint Vincent College as “another diffident attempt at correlating Gothic architecture and scholasticism,” but it has remained in print in numerous languages for more than half a century. His lecture stands as a brilliant man’s tribute to the legacy of Christian humanism.
“An inquiry into the analogy of the arts, philosophy and religion in the Middle Ages, with 60 illustrations.” Well documented and well written monograph on the interdisciplinary bridges in these areas in a post modern commentary.
Panofsky_Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism.pdf
Panofsky_Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism.txt
Panofsky_Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism.html
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Panofsky_Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism.zip