John Shearman makes a plea for a more engaged reading of art works of the Italian Renaissance, one that will recognize the presuppositions ...
Continue Reading βEvery era has invented a different idea of the ‘classical’ to create its own identity. Thus the ‘classical’ does not concern only the ...
Continue Reading βThe ‘rediscovery’ in sixteenth-century Italy of Aristotle’s Poetics marks a crucial moment in the development of Western thought about literature, for the flood ...
Continue Reading βThe impact of early Italian humanism on the development of Quattrocentro architecture has received much attention in recent years. In these essays, Smith ...
Continue Reading βDescribes the early career of the English architect, John Soane, and examines the development of his style of architecture Download Du ...
Continue Reading βHaving Words collects together for the first time ten essays by the pioneering architect and urban planner Denise Scott Brown. Educated in the ...
Continue Reading βThis comprehensive, prize-winning guide introduces the reader, whether visitor or resident, to the unparalleled visual wealth and historical interest found in London’s neighbourhoods, ...
Continue Reading βThe eighteenth century struggled to define architecture as either an art or a scienceβthe image of the architect as a grand figure who ...
Continue Reading βThis is the first comprehensive collection of texts on the conservation of art and architecture to be published in the English language. Designed ...
Continue Reading βVitruvius’s Ten Books of Architecture, the only architectural treatise to have survived from antiquity, was the fountainhead of architectural theory in the Italian ...
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