Composed in a series of scenes, AisthesisโRanciรจreโs definitive statement on the aesthetic takes its reader from Dresden in 1764 to New York in ...
Continue Reading โThe Logic of Architecture is the first comprehensive, systematic, and modern treatment of the logical foundations of design thinking. It provides a detailed ...
Continue Reading โFew art historians would dispute that Jennifer Montagu is one of the most distinguished scholars of Italian (mostly Roman) Baroque sculpture. Besides her ...
Continue Reading โWith Me++ the author of City of Bits and e-topia completes an informal trilogy examining the ramifications of information technology in everyday life. ...
Continue Reading โThe rivalry between the brilliant seventeenth-century Italian architects Gianlorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini is the stuff of legend. Enormously talented and ambitious artists, ...
Continue Reading โVitruvius, as he himself lamented, was not a success professionally nor was he a talented writer, yet his De architectura , written for ...
Continue Reading โHarry Mallgrave’s comprehensive survey of architectural theory, primarily in Europe and the United States, contextualizes architectural discourse within its social and political atmosphere ...
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