From searching for the best glass to prevent glare to determining how clients might react to the color choice for restaurant walls, research ...
Continue Reading →In his brilliant and incisive style, Le Corbusier examines the architecture and people of New York. He loves the people but finds the ...
Continue Reading →A Thousand Plateaus continues the work Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari began in Anti-Oedipus and has now become established as one of the ...
Continue Reading →Gender equality is a moral and a business imperative. But unconscious bias holds us back, and de-biasing people’s minds has proven to be ...
Continue Reading →Collection de peintures antiques qui ornoient les palais, thermes, mausolées, chambres sepulcrales, des empereurs Tite, Trajan, Adrien, et Constantin, et autres edifices tant ...
Continue Reading →Anne Claude de Tubières-Grimoard de Pestels de Lévis, comte de Caylus, marquis d’Esternay, baron de Bransac (Anne Claude Philippe; October 31, 1692 – ...
Continue Reading →Jan de Bisschop, also known as Johannes Episcopius (1628–1671), was a lawyer, who became a Dutch Golden Age painter and engraver. According to ...
Continue Reading →The perception that the early sixteenth century saw a culmination of the Renaissance classical revival – only to degrade into mannerism shortly after ...
Continue Reading →Between 1480 and 1520, a concentration of talented artists, including Melozzo da Forlì, Bramante, Pinturicchio, Raphael, and Michelangelo, arrived in Rome and produced ...
Continue Reading →Goerd Peschken lernte zunächst Tischler und begann nach dem Abschluss der Lehre 1953 ein Studium der Architektur an der Technischen Universität Berlin wo ...
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