Gell, Gandy, Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii
Publication-dates are carried by all plates – ranging from Mar. 1 1817 to Sep. 1 1819. The work was published serially. After travelling in Greece Gell settled in Italy in 1815; and he wrote that he gloried in communicating all new discoveries. On his death his drawings passed to his friend, Keppel Craven, who bequeathed them to the British Museum. Plates show views of the ruins, with some plans, maps and reconstructions. Plate 75 is printed in color and plate 76 in sepia.(Description by the Royal Academy of Arts)
Gell, Gandy_Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii Vol 1.pdf
Gell, Gandy_Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii Vol 1.txt
Gell, Gandy_Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii Vol 1.html
Gell, Gandy_Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii Vol 1.jpg
Gell, Gandy_Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii Vol 1.zip
Gell, Gandy_Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii Vol 2.pdf
Gell, Gandy_Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii Vol 2.txt
Gell, Gandy_Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii Vol 2.html
Gell, Gandy_Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii Vol 2.jpg
Gell, Gandy_Pompeiana The Topography Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii Vol 2.zip