Wittkower, Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism
Focusing on the principal architects of that time-from Alberti to Palladio-this bestselling classic explains the true significance of certain architectural forms, bringing to light the connections between the architecture and culture of the period. With publication scheduled to coincide with that of Architectonics of Humanism, this important reference is superbly reproduced in a new, large square format.
Wittkower_Architetural Principles in the Age of Humanism.pdf
Wittkower_Architetural Principles in the Age of Humanism.txt
Wittkower_Architetural Principles in the Age of Humanism.html
Wittkower_Architetural Principles in the Age of Humanism.jpg
Wittkower_Architetural Principles in the Age of Humanism.zip
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