Saisselin, Painting Writing and Primitive Purity
“Art history rests upon the perception, knowledge of and about, as well as reflections upon, works of art. But insofar as it uses discourse and is a written account of the arts as history or criticism, art history is also a branch of literature. It relies on words and these are not always reliable to render an account of works executed in a nonverbal medium. Words may become so well established as to become substitutes for thought so that in art history the significance of certain works is not so much re-examined as rearranged, their illustrations reshuffled, and the outline of art history constructed with the help of stock words, stock assumptions, stock phrases and epithets backed by new photographs.”
Saisselin_Painting Writing and Primitive Purity.pdf
Saisselin_Painting Writing and Primitive Purity.txt
Saisselin_Painting Writing and Primitive Purity.html
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Saisselin_Painting Writing and Primitive Purity.zip