Cameron, The Baths of the Romans Explained and Illustrated
The Baths of the Romans Explained and Illustrated: with the restorations of Palladio corrected and improved, to which is prefixed, an introductory preface, pointing out the nature of the work, and a dissertation upon the state of the arts during the different periods of the Roman empire.
Excerpt: But while we are guarding ourselves against: being diffuse, we ought to be careful not to run into the contrary extreme. It may therefore be instructive as well as entertaining to the reader, to accompany the description of the Baths, with the history, and progress of Architecture among the Romans, following the order of time from the aera Of the commencement of their luxury, to that of their’fall. In this enquiry, which relates to the history and revolutions of the City, rather than of the Inhabitants, ‘such passages will be introduced from antient authors, as may serve to illuminate the method of building, or give an idea of the magnificence of the Romans in public.
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