Cavalieri, Antiquae Statuae Urbis Romae
The history of the monuments and works of art of the classical period, which were in existence in Rome during the Renaissance, is of importance to us for many reasons. We may learn what were the materials which were at the disposal of the great masters in architecture, painting, and sculpture, and see in their drawings and sketches, as well as in the works which they actually executed, what use they made of the models which they had before their eyes, and what interested them in a greater or less degree. We may trace the growth of that antiquarianism out of which the science of archaeology was in process of time to develop. We may also obtain valuable information concerning much that has been destroyed or lost, or has, at least, come down to us in a very different state to that in which it was in their day.
Cavalieri_Antiquae Statuae Urbis Romae 1570.pdf
Cavalieri_Antiquae Statuae Urbis Romae 1585.pdf
Cavalieri_Antiquae Statuae Urbis Romae 1594.pdf