Plant, The Future Looms: Weaving Women and Cybernetics
Today, both woman and the computer screen the matrix, which also makes its appearance as the veils and screens on which its operations are displayed. The matrix emerges as the processes of an abstract weaving which produces, or fabricates, what man knows as ‘nature’: his materials, the fabrics, the screens on which he projects his own identity. Ada Lovelace immediately saw the profound significance of the Analytical Engine, and she went to great lengths to convey the remarkable extent of its capacities in her writing. Although the Analytical Engine had its own limits, it was nevertheless a machine vastly different from the Difference Engine. Weaving has always been a vanguard of machinic development, perhaps because, even in its most basic form, the process is one of complexity, always involving the weaving together of several threads into an integrated cloth. There is more than one sense in which foresight can be ascribed to the Analytical Engine.
Plant_The Future Looms: Weaving Women and Cybernetics.pdf
Plant_The Future Looms: Weaving Women and Cybernetics.txt
Plant_The Future Looms: Weaving Women and Cybernetics.html
Plant_The Future Looms: Weaving Women and Cybernetics.jpg
Plant_The Future Looms: Weaving Women and Cybernetics.zip