In his landmark volume Space, Time and Architecture, Sigfried Giedion paired images of two iconic spirals: Tatlin’s Monument to the Third International and ...
Continue Reading →Based on a close study of Van Dyck’s Self-portrait with a Sunflower, this book examines the picture’s context in the symbolic discourses of ...
Continue Reading →Classical architecture is a visual “language” and like any other language has its own grammatical rules. Classical buildings as widely spaced in time ...
Continue Reading →The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy offers a balanced and comprehensive account of philosophical thought from the middle of the fourteenth century to ...
Continue Reading →Passion and Control explores Dutch architectural culture of the eighteenth century, revealing the central importance of architecture to society in this period and ...
Continue Reading →In the Counter Reformation, art and architecture are often attributed a central role in such a process of persuasion. Recent historical studies, however, ...
Continue Reading →Between 1650 and 1750, four Catholic churches were the best solar observatories in the world. Built to fix an unquestionable date for Easter, ...
Continue Reading →Taste and the Antique offers a comprehensive and accessible overview of the reception and afterlife of the most famous ancient statues discovered in ...
Continue Reading →“No single scholar has had a greater influence than Hagstrum in suggesting the intimate (and sometimes troubled) relationship between poetry and painting. Few ...
Continue Reading →Andrea Palladio (1508–1580), one of the most famous architects of all time, published two enormously popular guides to the churches and antiquities of ...
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